A Restrictive Practices is a regulated Restrictive Practices if it is or involves seclusion, chemical restraint, mechanical restraint, physical restraint and environmental restraint.
- an authorisation and there is an authorisation process in relation to the use of the Restrictive Practices; and
- a behaviour support plan for the NDIS participant.
- Used only in response to a risk of harm to the person with disability or others, as a last resort.
- Authorised in accordance with any state or territory legislation and/or policy requirements
- In proportion to the risk of harm and used only for the shortest possible time
Behaviour support focuses on evidence-based strategies and person-centred supports that address the needs of the person with disability and the underlying causes of behaviours of concern, while safeguarding the dignity and quality of life of people with disability who require specialist behaviour support.
Both specialist behaviour support providers (who engage NDIS behaviour support practitioners), and providers who use regulated restrictive practices (implementing providers), must meet the requirements outlined in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Restrictive Practices and Behaviour Support) Rules 2018.